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The big day has arrived. You’re ready to shoot your video!

Tips for the day of your shoot

Camera setup

  • Start by ensuring your camera is charged and has enough memory for the duration of your shoot
  • Check the focus and framing of your shots before you begin filming

Sequence shooting

  • Plan out the sequence of shots you want to capture before you begin filming and consider the continuity of your shots and how they will flow together during the editing stage. Your finished project will typically consist of two types of footage:
  • A-roll footage is the main footage you will capture that establishes that main narrative of your project. This would be primary actions or dialogue, often shot in an interviewed setting or staged scene.
  • B-roll footage is supplementary footage that is used to add visual interest, break up monotonous footage, and provide background information. Examples of b-roll would be footage of locations or objects related to the main footage, stock or archival footage.


  • Using a separate microphone allows you to capture higher-quality audio
  • Make sure the microphone is placed close to the subject and pointed in their direction
  • Test the audio levels before filming and adjust as needed.


  • Lighting is a crucial part of your production and can make a huge dierence in the final product
  • Use lighting to create the desired mood and atmosphere in the video
  • Consider the time of day, location, and weather conditions when planning your lighting

Before the interview

  • Conduct a pre-interview with the interviewee to obtain their complete story. This will help narrow down your focus for the upcoming session
  • Prepare a few questions on your focus to prevent asking irrelevant questions
  • Avoid giving your interviewee the questions ahead of time, as this may cause them to memorize their answers and not provide genuine responses

In the interview

  • Actively listen to the interviewee. While you may have prepared questions, be open and ask follow-up questions based on the answers given
  • Keep the conversation flowing and encourage the subject to maintain eye contact with you instead of the camera. This will help them feel more at ease
  • Most importantly, do your homework and have fun!

How to create amazing content

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